Taxi driver: "Have you seen that new Fabia? Bitchin!"
Me: "I know it's a model of car but you really didn't pick the right topic for this conversation, as I am not even sure which pedal does what in a car. If you want, I can talk about movies or computers with you."
Taxi driver: "Oh yeah, I've done some IT shit some time ago but about the time they released Linux Kernel 2.2, I said fuck it, there is no money in this, and started driving a taxi."
Also, he played the games I wrote for ZX Spectrum in the 1980s.
On a different note: This is how unknown girls whom I get heart-shaped lollipops from look like, which means I am probably luckier than most of you (but not lucky enough).

And that's all I'll say about that.
I mean no offence by this, especially because you don't know me, but if she is sending you heart-shaped lollipops...You,sir,are a very lucky man!!! (grrroowwll) ;o)
Lucka vypadá celkem mladě, nechce ti třeba říct, že jsi její táta? ;-)
dik za info o Magde, i kdyz na segry bych je nehadal. Stejne nevim, co je mi to platne, ale libi se mi furt - a hodne! Ten, co je porad vedle ni je jeji bojfrend, nebo zas nakej pribuznej?:)
Je-li lizatkovy holce alespon 18, tak zvesela do toho a carpe diem, je to jen jednosmerna letenka a i kdyby to nakonec treba byl jen skvely tyden a nezavreli te...
Oh, and one more thing; what's this "English only" shit? RU trying to eliminate the average Czech Joe-sickpack from your blog, or WTF?
anonymous: Jojo, pihata zrzecka Magda je celkem smrncovni devce. O oni celkem ujdou i ty psici. Zalezi, jak dlouho jsi nemel sex!
anon1 to the 2nd:
Rikej si, co chces a jiste si o sobe myslis, ze jsi vtipnej.
Co ty si o ni myslis je tvoje vec, mne se libi a jak jsem jiz rekl - hodne. Je to nadherna holka.
Is it mojito what she's drinking? Good choose! :)
shinto, "good choice".kvuli takovejm chce fuka zrusit cestinu nebo co?
Z fotografií se zdá, že Lucie pije alkohol a kouří cigarety. Je to opravdu děvče pro Tebe? Schválně, kolikrát zmínila na té schůzce přítele. Pokud ani jednou, je to na dobré cestě. Jinak si myslím, že to, že označila za oblíbené stejné filmy, jako se líbí tobě, může být práce tvé sestry, která o nich jistě také ví. Když se ženský spiknou...
Oh, so many emotions!
Nice. What are you getting her for her fifteenth birthday?
As we Czechs say, "ta by chcala na vrták!".
Good luck Fuxoft!
Fajna lolitka!
are you perfectly sure she isn't your daughter? such things happens to middle aged men...
I say do her
Does her (ex)boyfriend read this blog?
OMG, that´s my daughter! You Pervert!
cuteness overload!!!
Shinta: this was only non-alcoholic version of mojito! We don't serve alcoholic beverages to pupils from the school!
what a bunch of nerds
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