You might not realize it but both videogame controller revolutions in the last 20 years (control pad and analogue thumbstick) were invented by Nintendo and everyone else copied them. (And this is also true for rumble feature and shoulder buttons.)
Today, Nintendo presented the new controller for their new Revolution console (to be available in 2006) which was held under wraps for a very long time to prevent the idea being stolen by Sony and Microsoft.
The main innovation is that the "remote control thing" is position sensitive, i.e. the game knows (wirelessly) where and how you point it. You really have to read
this article to get all the interesting ideas Nintendo came up with.
Of course I am not sure if this catches on, but I like to see Nintendo innovating while others are increasing polygon numbers...
UPDATE: You can see video of controller in action
ergonomic? how? A+B@bottom4gamepad? ergonomic? how? weird. interesting. cool video. anyway.
pipboy: Those bottom A&B buttons are used primarily when you rotate the controller 90 degrees anti-clockwise - then you get the oldskool 8bit NES controller for old games!
I know, I guess i still have NES on my grandpas attic. I just cant imagine how holding of this stick as a gamepad can be comfortable :)
Perhaps your imagination is limited.
Perhaps. Hm. I doubt :)
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