It seems that Radek Hulan (author of
"the most advanced and most widely used CMS in existence", according to his words) has at last demonstrated his unique communication skills
internationally (and became internationally pwned for the first time in history, as far as I know). That means I no longer have to explain the "Hulan experience" to English-speaking readers - it's now sufficient to provide the link above and let everyone experience his "screeming" for himself.
Note that the technical stuff is rather irrelevant in this context (although
this one is funny if you know what DIFF is), just read how he expresses himself.
P.S: Please note I have the full moral right to make my opinions about Mr. Hulan public because I wrote better CMS than him, I have higher IQ, more money and bigger penis, which I'll use to make beautiful love to his daughter.
Tak to nema chybu. Procetl jsem thread cely a dlouho jsem se takhle nepobavil. Nejlepsi je asi FKho prispevek z Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:36 pm
ale ne :-/ neni lepsi tohohle "cloveka" proste ignorovat? uznavam, potkat tu jeho tlamu nekde na ulici, asi bych do pul minuty otiral ze spicek bot krev, ale jinak - proc na nej porad upozornovat? on stejne svoje chyby nikdy neuzna.
jinak jsem si to precetl skoro vsechno + odkazujici thready a clanky, ale desne jsem se nudil. myslim, ze misto datlovani toho vseho bylo daleko lepsi vyrazit na cerstvej vzduch nebo do hospody. :-)
mezi normalnima lidma si uz na to hovado ani nevzpomenete.
anonymous: In English, please! There are already many existing Czech Hulan shrines, this one is INTERNATIONAL! :)
You've got to respect a guy whose company is called F-Art.
Let's spell it, kids: F, A, R, T.
Radek on that forum:
"It is very funny how some people, who never developed single line of code, register in this forum, just to come up with more hatred against a single developer, who contributed more code than any other developer ever."
Muhahaha :-)
I'm very glad that MR Hulan finaly spread into international and sees that not only czech republic, but all world is against him.
He's the light, bright leader, who will lead the world to future prosperity and happiness.
I think he is similar to John Connor from Terminator movie, and we are all Skynet machines :)))
uhm...who the hell is Radek Hulan???
Lol, Hulan has been an international embarassment long before this.
eso: Yeah!,
I like this one:
"Like what? Within last 6 months there is only myself who contributed MOST code to Nucleus. Not karma, not yoursef, but Radek Hulan Wink The man who has IQ 150 and is able to code plugin like NP_Cache (15kB) in less than 2 hours."
Nice One, especially the P.S :),i love your sense of humor.
...and I love your dark eyes!
La polla de Radek es una de mas grandes y lindas y ha destruido mas conejos que tu puedas imaginar. Lo conozco de cuendo era un virgen. No creo que la tuya sea mas grande. Gilipollas!
Radek Hulan is one big negative-star on czech internet. His "storys" is full of demagogy,myth and nonsense. About Radek Hulan i think is better.... forget him.
the best thing about being an idiot is not being aware of it. amen.
I was disappointed - not a single mention of penis size or prostate blueing :)
The experience still isn't optimal for english-speaking readers. They can't even appreciate the fact that 'radek' is an anagram of 'krade' - czech for 'steals' :)
profik s iq 150... proste rado - je to starsi, ale o necem to vypravi...
I am fairly sure that the most widely used CMS is something like drupal or or somesuch.
The essence of the allegations is very fundamental... yes, but this fact does not justify mr. Fuka's (and others) vocabulary.
Given the style of the dispute it seems to be mainly interpersonal problem that got light years away from the effective professional discussion.
If this is what the open source involves then I am quite happy having my own WCMS project closed-source!
I wanted to express my opinion very much but I am not too much into pointless emotional discussions.
So what is my comment about? Just giving a feedback to the author that some readers may actually not enjoy his style (and pretending that my opinion matters ;-). Maybe it is author's common style. I don't know. I don't care. I don't like it.
some people say "forget radek hulan" but it would be such a shame! i am not a programmer or an IT person, but I just love this figure of the czech internet, he makes me laugh out loud more often then anything on the web. and on the top of that, i just adore to read then some dry, witty and extremely funny reactions of some other people - e.g. unforgettable "apology" of frantisek fuka. keep going rado, and keep smearing ointment on your blue prostate!!! :D:D:D
Thank you! I want you to bear my first child.
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