However, after breaking up with Karolina and living wild for almost a year, I discovered what I subconsciously knew from the beginning (and dreaded a little bit): The feeling of having that one special woman in your life can be more satisfying than the possibility of having different hot/willing/flexible girl in your bed each day/week/month. I had several more or less bizarre ideas of how to make this work as painlessly as possible. For example, hooking up with a mature woman (maybe even with kid[s]) who perfectly knows what she wants from life and who will be grateful for what I can offer her. Another idea I tossed around was to hook up with very young girl who I can watch grow up into mature woman and teach her some stuff I like in a mature women while, at the same time, I'll hopefully grow out of infantility/puberty at last. And this is basically what happened, although in somehow different way than I'd plan it.
I first met Jitushka at the party amongst literally dozens of other people. Of course Jitushka was beautiful and was already flanked by several young gentlemen who either were her best friends or "wanted to be her best friends" or even "wanted to be her best friends without actually having sex with her" (which happens only to really cute girls). This, coupled with the fact that I was currently fed up with sex (yes, it is possible, at least temporarily) and didn't
However, Jitushka gave me a very clear indication that she is interested in a little bit of private talk (where by "talk" I mean "talk"). We talked for about 20 minutes and then "talked" for about 5 minutes (where by "talked" I don't mean "talked"). This is when I became rather interested because I prefer to tell everything as it is, without any sidetracking, and I enjoy similar quality in the girl. During the following three days, we exchanged around 100 KB of text using instant messenger, asked each other a lot of questions (more about those later, maybe) and came to the only logical conclusion: Because we are both really twisted in very similar way, we'll try to start an "official relationship". Which is what we did on the fourth day. By the way, this means that I deviated from my usual modus operandi and started a relationship before I saw the object of my desire naked (although only by 20 minutes or so).
By now you might be shocked that I'm writing about these intimate details. However, the truth is, she started it on her blog (in Czech) and made me feel like a wuss who has to catch up with her. Which is the feeling I also enjoy (usually).
So, let me up the ante a little bit and tell you an intimate story from the first day of our relationship (which sounds like something from a sitcom). It's afternoon, we are lying in the bed, calmly talking about various stuff, when my phone rings. It's Ms. Iva, the editor of Cinema magazine, telling me something about my reviews for the next issue. While she's talking, Jitushka starts giggling.
Iva: "You've got a girl there again!?"
Me: "Yes. (Laughing) But I love this one!"
Jitushka: "(Laughing) And I love him!!"
Iva: "Oh my god, you pig. Has she at least graduated?"
Me: "No, but she will in just a year!"
And then we all had a good laugh. I'd say Jitushka was very much "in tune" with my kind of craziness from the beginning.
Of course, there were many people who dissuaded us both from having this kind of relationship, accusing me of being a pedophile and Jitushka of doing it for money. Which is not true. She does it for food.

And, of course, many of these "good friends" are absolutely certain that this relationship won't last. But they cleverly didn't give any specific timeframe so even if we break up in a month, in a year or in ten years, they can still claim they were right, the bastards.
I almost started searching for specific examples of some older man/younger woman pairs who lived happily ever after. But then it dawned to me that this is a trap. I don't really need to explain or excuse myself to other people for doing what I did. And I write all of this basically just because I want to be always able to remember how exactly it started and that I had no regrets when it started.
Plus, I don't want, under any circumstances, to have less outrageous blog than my loved one...
Ahhh, here we are...
Why the hell not?! I just think this sentence from her blog says it all: "když mě kamarád vytáhl do Prahy na večírek u jednoho pána."
Enjoy it while it lasts and don't come back to Earth crashing:)))
Pan Franta :-)) Byt je základ.
Aladin musel vytahovat svojí lampu na parkovišti u Tesca ;-)
Yeah, I've been thru the same, while aging towards 30 I've had about 2 years of single wildlife waking up beside (sometimes) very young girls on Saturday mornings. But for some reason these "relationships" hardly ever lasted more than two weeks (and no, it was not only about sex from my side). I finally ended up with a girlfriend 7 years younger than me a that seems to be it. It's the same story again and again - guys want young chicks, chicks want older guys. So I wish you all the best and don't mind that people see you as a pervert. BTW the girl's very cute :)
Well as they say...there are only two words that describe a guy who doesn't like cute teen girls: ho mo.
V profilu na libimseti ma Jitushka zajimavou poznamku: "Já jako starý gerontofil uznávám pouze muže o cca 10 let starší :) A taky už jsem si jednoho důchodce našla :)) A ten důchodce má Nintendo...". 10 je cca i 20 ;-) o nic nejde, deset sem, deset tam ;-)
Je hezký přečíst si něco romantickýho, teď, když prožívám ukázkovou UL :( Takovej únik od reality do Fuxoftova. Hodně štěstí.
anonymous: Hehe, no vidíš, jak se snažím Frantu omlazovat :)
How many points, Jituschka??
Je nejaky smajlik pro zavist?
Takovej? ;-/
Well, what to say? Congrats! :) And have fun.
By the way, now THIS is blogging, you must be under a good influence for a change :) Of course, we want more!
Also, she might be 18, but IMHO with a girl of that age who actually knows what "kapybara" is, your "good friends" might be wrong :)
Good for you!
Don't grow up too much you two, infantility is sweet...
No, zacinam mit neblahej pocit, ze s tim Libercem nejak neni vsechno v poradku, kazda holka, ktera z nej pochazi, ma zelene a podezrele osudovej sarm...=:X
Good luck ;-)
Zelene oci, samozrejme :-)
Franta ma recht, jestli je Jitush aspon z casti takova, jakou ji popsal, a to asi je, i podle jejiho blogu, tak ma opravdu velmi kompatibilni pritelkyni a o tom to je, no ne? :-)
The problem with young girls is that they change a lot. You start with decent atheistic blond and after year or two you get wild red hair Christian with lots of piercing. So be ready !
some photos of jitushka
nice pics
Nothing he's got he really needs -
Twenty-first century schizoid man!
Milý Františku,
držím Ti palce, ať je vše k dobrému. Na reptaly a "dobré" rady kašli.
Taky jsem před čtyřmi lety začal chodit s "devatenáctkou" (ale mě tehdy bylo, pravda, 29) a bylo to moc fajn. Teď už je to sice pryč, ale byly to prima dva roky. Každopádně vím, že na "vhodném" věkovém rozdílu vztah nestojí.
Užívejte s Jituschkou života a jeden druhého.
Tvůj dvojník,
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