Someone from Russia (who has only the faintest knowledge of English) sent me a video recording of a complete play-through of my Tetris 2 game. It's over 4 hours long and he did it without any cheats, which I thought to be impossible (that's why the game insults you when you finish it).

You can download the compressed video file
here. It's only 15 MB long but beware: The RAR archive uncompresses to more than 4 GB of AVI!
Franto , jak daleko jsi se dostal ty ?
Tetris II od fuxovta ruloval, skoda jenom, ze to nemelo tetrisovy pocitani jako na nintendu...
jj, ruloval - vsak jsem si ho nedavno znovu nacpal do DSka ;)
Nebyl to sám vynálezce Tetrisu? :)
skvelej nadpis clanku, ff ;-)
Takovych lidi je mnohem vic co to prosli cele bez cheatu. (ja 2x)
Nebylo to az tak tezke, zkus si zahrat nekdy nektere japonske verze arkadovych strilecek, TO je tezke. :D
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