It's strange, but she failed to see the significance of giving your fresh ex the game whose Czech name "Clovece nezlob se" means "Man, don't be angry". What's even stranger, she supposedly bought it for me in May - long before we split up! Talk about subconsciousness doing your dirty work for you. If I saw this in a comedy, I'd say it's too far-fetched to even be funny!
By the way, the sushi was great and it seems we like each other more and more every day we don't see each other. :)
why have you splited?
...for some people the intensity of fondness of each other grows with the square of distance :)
that's true as hell, but it does no good for living together...
Sushi makes friends. :) Where exactly have ya been?
Yeah, where have you been to sushi ?
Ad sushi bar. Why did they name it Millhouse, don't they watch Simpsons? Plus, the word "tepts" is unknown to me.
But it looks nice, gotta check it out next time I'm home.
Don't confuse "Milhouse" with "Millhouse".
ad Milhouse, I think they are homonyms. The other day I got surprised by on of my students (who's Irish), she wrote "compliment" instead of "complement", and then I actually learned that these are homonyms in Engl.
SPEW... Eh... sorry for you fuxoft, but sushi in millhouse is 2..3 class... you can even see throung the 'sake' on what they call a nigiri... Have tried once and in my opinion it's not worth the money... Consider e.g. miyabi next time
Oh well all you sushi eating snobs! Prague is a city of beer and roast pork, and that's it! Please stop whining about overpriced raw fish and rice and eat like a man in Prague.
Split is sad... I am a Czech geek and programmer, my girlfriend left just three month ago. There is never a simple reason, but I think she really hated every minute I spent programming or doing Nintendo and Psp.
Frantisek, don't be sad, you are a nice and funny guy, and eventually you will marry a super hot Japanese manga model.
obviously the word tepts is misspelled tempts as this is not the only mistake in the article (probably written by a Czech lacking a dictionary)
Concerning sushi, oh well, eat it as you please, if you want to look gay. Men eat proper meat!
True Japanese eat up whole whale!
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