And today:

Yes, the second picture is "boys only"! You win the grand prize.
The fact is, Karolina is no longer living with us. It doesn't mean anything bad happened to her. It doesn't mean she won't live here in the future and it doesn't mean we hate each other now. But she is not living here currently and won't in the foreseeable future. I'd rather not go into the details of this, thank you very much. It looks like some sort of epidemic outbreak because many couples I've known for very long time are breaking up right now.
What this means is that I now have to put up with various things I could safely ignore before. Like, for example, feeding the boys in the morning and watering flowers. I have detailed lists and Google Calendar alerts to organize everything but there are still occassions when I discover new interesting things:
- After one week of watering flowers, I found out one of them is plastic.
- I found a body of small turtle with head chewed off. Did we have a living turtle in the fish tank? Was it just for a decoration? How dangerous is it for a small animal to eat turtle's head? What if the head was full of formaldehyde?
- I was recently told that all those flower watering rules actually don't work under the current weather conditions and I have to use other rules, which are unfortunately too hard to explain logically.
- The dog, however cute, does not like his teeth being cleaned with toothbrush (even the special dog one).
- The dog can go up to 12 hours without peeing! Nice dog.
- Chucky simply does not like his breakfast unless I hand-feed him. Otherwise, he just sits around like idiot and waits until Albert eats his food.
- Kryspin became really evil cat, waiting for three of us to go to sleep and then always pouncing on us fiercely and unexpectedly. This leads to stress (mostly with Chucky).
- Karolina snored. Now, Albert is snoring very loudly. Cannot sleep again.
- It's highly impractical to organize grill parties on our huge balcony for just one person and three animals.
Znal jsem Vas oba dva. Sluselo vam to. Vsechno zle je k necemu dobre. Nyni muze neco noveho a opet vzrusujiciho zacit.
"W. Wallace"
holahej franto, pokud ta fotka nemá být pomsta, tak věz, žes udělal dobře :o)
kup ještě jednoho psa a udělej nějakej traffic na empornium.us a bude ti blaze.
akorát to mělo přijít pře létem, to je pokaždé větší prdel.
měj se
"pomsta"? To jako ze jsem ji schvalne vyfotil tak aby nevypadala hezky, nebo co??
jj, krapet vysírám. resp. jsem chtěl povzbudit. rozchod i když jak naznačuješ klidnej, je nahovno i pro tvrďáky jako jsme my chlapci od ZX Spectra.
baldynský na těch projekcích nejí chlebíčky nebo co? vypadá jak woody allen fan a ne jako geek zpoza PC jako vždycky......
kam ten svět spěje....
jo a ještě.....
kdo opustí chlapa /byť naoko po dohodě/, co fotí v noci žáby okolo baráku a tvrdí, že je tam ještě neviditelnej pes, je minimálně nehumánní
Hlavu vzhůru, my tě máme pořád rádi!
Ty jsi se rozesel s ni, nebo ona s tebou?
I thought Kryspin was a present for Karolina and therefore would leave with her...?
She took a car instead.
Na jednu stranu je to smutný příspěvěk, pokud jste se fakt rozešli (skoro jako rozvod - vyplácet se případně navzájem z toho velikýho společnýho bytu asi nebude legrace), na druhou stranu byl příspěvěk jeden z nejlepších, hlavně ten popis, jak se vypořádáváš s novými starostmi. A na grilování kašli, vždyť přece hubneš! Doufám, že Karolína jen někam odjela studovat nebo tak podobně.
Ano, skoro to jako epidemie vypadá. Po šesti letech vztahu prožívám nyní něco podobného. Držím vám palce ať je lépe. Pavel
"She took a car instead."
Well, that shouldn´t bother František, ´cause he has no driving license:D
Hey, Franta, I live quite close to you, I´m willing to participate on your grill parties just to make you happier!
can i move in? i have no place to stay. i from kazakhstan, i like sex.
Jak zpiva klasik "zivot je takovej a jinej nebude". Ja jsem se rozesel s holkou minuly patek. Po 6ti letech, v dobrem. Vse jsme si vyrikali a pak sli do kina na Auta :o)
Nechat psa 12 h bez curania neprospieva jeho zdraviu. Ak je nahodou velmi cistotny a doma by sa nikdy nevycural, moze mu zdrziavanie dost ublizit.
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