There is really nothing to add, except maybe:
There is no "clear single act" that caused this, much less anything scandalous.
- We were together for almost three years. That's not bad!
- Any sort-of-clever aphorism or short summary I'd write about the reasons (e.g. "She was too good for me!") would trivialize the whole thing immensely and unjustly.
- In the foreseeable future, Jitushka will still live with me, until everything is sorted out. For example, we are preparing Albert's birthday party for our friends (and dogs).
- I am quite positive our age difference was not the main problem. Nor the fact she doesn't like Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
- No, this will not "be over in a few days" and we are not "going to be back together", at least not in the foreseeable future.
- I sincerely hope (although I cannot be sure, of course) that we are both the sort of people who can remain friends even if they are (currently) not partners.
This is all really just FYI, so that I don't have to answer similar questions again and again. If you are feeling miserable for me, please don't. I am fully capable of feeling miserable on my own.
- You really don't have to remind me about "all the good things we experienced together" and how intelligent and beautiful Jitushka is. I am aware of those things better than you are, thank you.
- You really don't have to ask me if I am sure I did the right thing, what will happen in X days / months / years and if there's life on Mars.
- You really don't have to tell me that you are sorry, you feel for me, "Time is the greatest healer", "You'll find better girl" and similar crap.
Of course I am not ordering you what to write / say, but these things won't help me at all so you really don't have to bother unless you really cannot control you goodwill ejaculations.
If you have original (legal!) suggestions about what to do with the spare time after I am done translating "Predators" and "Inception", feel free to suggest...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah blah blah, we want more sexy pictures of Jitushka
to zni jako oficialni tiskove prohlaseni :o(((
Sice to nemusim rikat, ale je mi to lito.... Snad budete oba brzo v pohode (doufajicnik)
Takze co bylo alespon par tech duvodu kdyz ne jeden zasadni nebo vek? Nebylo to o tech spis jako kulturnich vecech, v cemz jste byli uplne odlisni?
Imho byl problém ve velikém věkovém rozdílu. Fukovi je mentálně asi 13, Jitce tak 18. Já vím, 5 není žádné číslo, ale v pubertě je to sakra moc!!!
A Fuko, pokud jde o krásu a inteligenci, Jitushka není nijak oslnivá...
Sexy pictures of Jitushka are, of course, here:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah blah blah, we dont want more sexy pictures of Jitushka
In the words and voice of Nelson Muntz: Haw-Haw!
Not so original suggestion but try to read a book :-). Recently Alchemist from Coelho really improved my mood after some similar "girl problem".
Great for middle-aged people with no future:
No need to ask about life on Mars; everybody knows there is life on Mars. As everybody knows, that show must go on! And if we are truly lucky, we will never run out of these bitter feelings, that life keeps rolling on us. Cheers up! mister, and always take out advantage of these sad things.
Sunday, June 20, 2010 6:13:00 PM> :-)
Anebo jeste jeden problem s vekem - nebylo to opravdu nanic, kdyz treba Franta chtel jit ven a musel volat rodicum slecny a zeptat se, jestli muze? Nebo uz fakt nevim :)
U nekterych clanku je opravdu lepsi komentare vypnout.
Uz mas updatnuty status na FB?
JJ vypnete ty komentare, je to tu rejdiste sadistickych hyen!!!111
Anonym ob 1 přede mnou: jistě, už v neděli časně ráno. Tohle je právě až následný FAQ/PR post post.
Spíš mě zajímá, jestli Fuxoft znova nahodí svoji seznamku, a co půjde vyčíst z případných změn.
Seznamka je celou dobu ukryta na - spravne hackerky ji jiste najdou!
Skoda, no. Ale ritolez army je pocetna, Franto, nezapomen. Najde se v ni jina.
Císlo na Jitusku by nebylo?
Františku, stojím za tebou!
Live together, die alone...
Jestli jste spolu měli být, tak byste spolu byli. Jestli jste spolu neměli být, tak spolu nejste. It is that simple. It doesnt mean, that life is a bitch or that youll have to find someone else. You dont. You just can.
And no matter how you love somebody and how important is that person, there are always several other people that are completely different but compatible in the same way or better with you. They are, even though you dont believe me nor you know them.
Jan Gutbayer (although I post as anonymous)
It is fashionable to break now, I see
U některých článků je lepší je vůbec nenapsat.
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