It's around 2:15 AM and I should be sleeping. In fact, I'd like to be sleeping. Unfortunately, I am accomodated on the second floor of local (Chotebor) "Cultural Center" and several meters under my feet, there is a concert going on. Also unfortunately, it's some sort of local hillbilly goth metal act. They can't play (or sing) but they are very loud. The floor is shaking (literally). Even the dogs cannot sleep.

To show you at least someting from this bizarre con (I mean this in a good way, this year it's no more bizarre than in any of the previous years), here is today's (technically yesterday's) photo of confused fans waiting for the start of cross-country Star Wars race. I think...
1 comment:
Well, that's not so bad. At least you can hear concert for free. It's 2:45 am and _I_ am working...
Try to think about something happy and pleasing. For example, doesn't this earthquake remind you of your trip to Tokyo?
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