Someone complained and Prague Transit Authority dutifully removed the ad from the "offending" tram. This is stupid. There cannot be more than 10 or so people who remember the exact service number (not line number) of the "killer tram". And, when you pay for tram banners, you cannot be sure which lines they will end on, much less the exact trams. Plus, it was rather good joke...
jkom: You mean riding on a tram, right? =)
Actualy I think you can be sure, which lines they will appear on, as easily as you can be sure, how long the ads will appear there. Or have you got some insider information i.e. from "Rozum & Chtic" capaign, proving what you stated ? I agree on the fact you cannot be sure with the numbers... But the way, it ended up is the best for the power drink producers, because their ad reached mass-media.
Anonymous: Actually I remember from "Rozum + Chtic" campaign that they weren't sure where the banner ends up.
1) tu reklamu má imho jen jedna tramvaj a ne několik
2) ví to řádově víc lidí, než by člověk čekal - už pěkných pár týdnů to ví v podstatě každý řidič tramvaje (kolem 1500 lidí) + většina lidí, kteří se o tramvaje zajímají (další desítky/stovky lidí)
3) pokud si firma kupuje reklamu, tak si může vybrat na jaké tramvaji reklama bude - linku si nevybere, ale tramvaj může
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