Yes, the translation can be done in one day (i.e. 24 hours), in the worst case. But it's only logical that the resulting work (which should be creative literary work, mind you!) lacks the required quality. (This is how it was with the second and third MATRIX - There was no time to proofread the subtitles and as a result, for example, Sati is sometimes called "Seti".)
With dubbed movies (e.g. Star Wars, Robots, Madagascar), the translation and dubbing is done from the unfinished workprints (downloaded digitally over the secure satellite line). However, with subtitled movies, the translator is out of luck.

MPAA probably thinks that shipping the prints worldwide at the last possible instant somehow combats the piracy (workprints of Star Wars or Robots haven't been pirated even when hundreds of people all over the world had access to them several months in advance). But let me tell you a secret: In order to meet the local release deadlines and to have the Czech version ready in time, local distributors now sometimes have to download their own movies from the BitTorrent warez sites because the official prints shipped from the U.S. are late. Way to go, MPAA!
well, that is something really funny...ending put me under the table :), I don´t envy you this...
ROFL in its very meaning :)
I have not expected anynthing else... it reminds me of my not so recent work for one Czech government agency... details on demand ;)
More details, workprint version of Star Wars III was released as warez on 19.5.2005, cammed version on 22.5.2005 and DVDrip on 4.6.2005. Details on
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