While the other guys went to explore the seedier city life, I fired up the Gimp and mutilated my pictures:

Coincidentally, if you live in Osaka, Kyoto or Tokyo and would like to show me some interesting stuff during the following days, don't hesitate to contact me.
go to cafe ano in tokyo (czech restaurant with czech couisine, czech chef, krtecek, etc.)
Go to a sushi-bar. You can go to a czech restaurant any time back at home.
Nice! What lens you use with your camera?
Budou fotky ze zemětřesení?d
Fuko! Informuj!
The default pancake lens for Lumix GF1, they are the only ones I can carry in my belt pouch.
Doufám že jseš v pořádku Franto ... Píšeš pěkný recenze ...
Doufám, že v Kjotu navštívíš zlatý pavilon a přestaneš si ho plést s čímsi v Shinjuku:)
If you have free time in Kyoto, try to visit Arashiyama area. It is one of the most beautiful area in Kyoto, not well known by foreigners
Nice photos.
Vyslaná speciální armádní jednotka lokalizovala, zadržela a unesla Františka zpět do ČR.. :-)
cynicky kokot, sociopat a neurotik, sa uz neciti v japonsku fajn a v pohode a priplazil sa nazad domov.
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