However, first she has to win the reader voteds because only one man and one woman will be picked.
All the nominees are here on this page. If you want to help Jitushka, just check the "dat hlas" button under her photo and then enter the CAPTCHA code at the bottom of the screen ("OPISTE KOD Z OBRAZKU") and finally submit by clicking "HLASOVAT".

If she wins, you'll see more of her!
The voting ends this wednesday at midnight.
Thanks a million!
Jitka: OK, and now hurry back to the stove...
Me na to prijde moc pekna a stihla, aby takovou soutez potrebovala. Treba te pani Renate to urcite prospeje vic...
tlusta pica
No ani to moc nepotrebuje ale tak dostala ode me hlas...
Fuxofte, jestli se Jitka neciti dobre, tak je to jen tvoje vina. Ve skutecnosti je prirozene hezka a zadnou drahou kuru nepotrebuje. --egg
Stejně se na tebe vykašle až dostane rozum, takovejch už bylo..
Ad. "'ll see more of her!"
So I voted - now I want my promised full frontal!!!
For great justice!
Tlamiczka et al, read the iDNES article: "Snažili jsme se vybírat [...] různé typy lidí. Tedy nejen celkově obézní, ale kupříkladu i ti, co mají povolenou postavu." Summary for non-Czech speakers: "not only for overall fatness, but also sagging figure" - no wonder that Jitushka poses in that loose T-shirt, unlike many of the competitrices. But I doubt anything short of that plastic surgery reality show would help there...
I was just currious, whether Jitka has won. I've seen the voting was canceled. What the heck ?
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