Even the Japanese are powerless agains the mighty power of Windows 7. I guess I'll stay with Ubuntu, thank you...
Even after they get it to work, it feels definitely unresponsive and sluggish, considering this is carefully prepared one-time demo on "optimal hardware":
Well, I don't know about touch input or about the applications they're using or even about the hardware they're using, but I can assure you Windows 7 (x64) is without doubt the fastest and most responsive of the three systems I've got installed on my PC (Win 7 x64, Arch linux 64, Ubuntu 9.04 64). That's with pretty much default configs. Ubuntu, on the other hand, is rest-assuredly the slowest and least responsive of the three... (same on my netbook). And as you probably know, I use Linux a lot (I use Windows pretty much only for games and multimedia editing), so I think I'm pretty impartial, but if there's something I honestly can't criticise on Windows 7 at all, it's speed and responsiveness. At least when compared with the latest KDE4 and/or Gnome. The gap between the three is definitely closing, but Windows still wins in this regard, at least in my book.
yeah, so what you're saying is, windows is responsive as long asy you're using 1 application? that's truly great
No, I don't think that's even remotely what I'm saying.
That japan guy needs assistant to clik the icon with a mouse?
... shows you who the boss is.
Dear Fuxoft, if you have that irresistable urge to write in English, all the power to you. But don't write in Czenglish. That just sucks.
Oh really?
Hm, tak mně ten Google ukázal jenom dvě strany výsledků, což neni zas tak awesome. Každopádně to nemění nic na tom, že "is" má bejt až na konci věty.
Ono se to používá spíš ve zkrácené formě s apostrofem
Myslim ze to nic nemeni na tom, ze jste se trochu utnul, tak se kajte.
Gramaticky správně má "is" být na konci věty, protože to není otázka, ale vedlejší věta.
Jinak taky nechápu, proč se Fuka zoufale snaží psát angliky, když to tu čtou jenom češi.
Re: day2
"když to tu čtou jenom češi."
-- To nie je pravda :-)
prepáč :-)
Já nechápu, proč se Fuka vůbec snaží psát (tenhle blog). Těch pár vtipných postů může přifařit k fffilmu. (a homozooporno na nějaký placený 18+ stránky)
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