A little explanation if you care for it: The dogs are sleeping with us in the bed since God knows when. The bed is over 60 cm high but Chucky is capable of jumping on it from the ground and Albert had a little wooden box next to the bed and he used that as a springboard.
So the problem was not getting to the bed but I was worried that jumping down from the bed can be harmful to their backs (especially for rather heavy Albert with rather short legs).
Of course, the hardest part now is to teach them to use the stairs and not just jump down from the bed...
P.S: I did not construct the stairs, of course. I just gave the blueprints to the carpenter and afterwards glued the pieces of our old bathroom mat (with penguins!) to the surfaces.
Cool :-)
We are still trying to (peacefully) force our little love Bafi to sleep in her own bed but she always finds some mysterious way back to our bed (teleportation?). I see you already surrendered to your pets and you even built "starway to heaven" for them :-))
Anonymous: Maybe you could learn English a little first, OLOL.
The sad thing is that the virtual dog in the first picture is nicer than the real one in the last picture. 8)
Prvni Anon: "Have you been raised in a useless format with absolutely no life? Did your parents jerk you at age of four? I hope my comment is going to obliterate your obsolete mind.
Go wank or something."
Anon1 perla internetu a anglickeho jazyka. Opravdu rad bych vedel, co temi ctyrmi vetami chtel vyjardit.
Skoda, ze to nenapsal cesky.
Dodatek, chybka se vloudila.
Stejne, proc se sem porad plno lidi snazi psat anglicky?
Ja vim, ze FF kdysi davno hrozil, ze prejde pouze na AJ format a ceske prispevky smaze, ale to je blbost.
Za prve nema zadnou drtivou vetsinu ctenaru v AJ mluvicim svete a za druhe by odpadly ty trapne snahy o prispevky v anglictine. Tech nespravnych je bohuzel vetsina.
Excuse me mr.hovnanian, but could you please translate this:
Anon1 perla internetu a anglickeho jazyka. Opravdu rad bych vedel, co temi ctyrmi vetami chtel vyjardit.
Skoda, ze to nenapsal cesky.
I don't know czech.
Did you run it under wine? How?
Sup: I ran it under VMWARE (which I have from my almost-employer to run Windows-only stuff)
Cool, ale Franto, do dokonalosti tomu este trosicku malo chyba - pozri sem, ako by to malo vyzerat: http://gadgets.zive.cz/index.php?q=node/4082
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