As I don't understand cars and I don't ever want to understand cars, I used my friend's brother, who's a car mechanic, to select the car, check it and do basic maintenance. That's why any of your questions about this selection are totally pointless. From my perspective, the only important factors are that I bought a kick-ass Korean stereo (with USB and SD card playback) for it and the car's color scheme matches Albert's color scheme (click for large):

I already drove some 300 km in and around Prague, without killing anyone and without scratching my car (too much). I even drove 70 km on the highway, which should prepare me for next week's trip to Pilsen. I am trying to perfect my parallel parking skills using Grand Theft Auto and this thing. I'm probably gonna try some tuning soon.
Otherwise, everything in my life is the same (meaning "okay" or "great").
Ty litiny na tom sou bozi!!!
OK, meli byste sem psat reakce anglicky, ale v tomto pripade by mi stacilo, kdyby to bylo aspon cesky...
Hey, I'm from Pilsen and I need to know when exactly you'll drive there, i don't want to be runed down by Mr. Fuka and his white Felicia :-)) So could you tell me when and where you are going to drive??
Pilsen welcomes you :)
fakt jo, ty hliny musely tvorit aspon 50% ceny ;)
To nic, Františku. Onanymové tady onanují nad litými koly. To je takový trend. Aniž by někdo vysvětlil, v čem spočívá jejich atraktivita (kromě vysoký ceny).
What was the price for this neat car?
These cars are for about 50.000 Czk, but for that price you can get another brand of the same age and about 1 class "upper". Very common reason for purchasing these cars is that replacement parts are cheap and available because there are so many of these cars on roads. Less people mention how easy it is to steal this tin-can (so it can be later used as a replacement parts source;-)).
i heard your story about driving with T.Baldynsky at Brave Thumbs :) funny , but what i still remeber from that radio show? Your 14days joke: what kind of cancer Zdenek Troska has... its Most beautiful riddle . Damn it! It kicked me to knees. IT WAS HUGE! GRATZ! You are king of jokes!
P.S. more more more jokes like this.
Hm, that´s why an english comments are funny here.
I bet no one of english speakers knows who Tomas "jakoby" Baldynsky is, what kind of show is "Brave thumbs", or what kind of "Troska" is Zdenek...
Brave Thumbs are an excellent translation, though ;))
Sure, that EN speakers dont know about it. But i sad 2nd comments... and its WORD of GOD.
*saw ops
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