Now, quarter a century later, I proved my teachers wrong. I bought a large pile of wood and screws and assembled my furniture. Ikea furniture. Yes, all that was inside of those boxes. I have blisters but I feel proud of myself. I am Jack's content heart.

jestlis to montoval bez Aku sroubovaku tak klobouk dolu, ale je to pomerne zbytecna prace ;-)
None the less, you're still no special or unique snowflake :o)
Teda, pekne hnusnej nabytek.
no zrovna sem byl vcera v Ikea koupit polstar a rucnik a vsem lidem co stali ve fronte predemnou (zvlast expertum s nekolika voziky) posilal celou dobu vetsi nez male mnozstvi zaporne energie. Nejsem sice Jedi, ale i tak myslim, ze to bylo dost intenzivni a muze to fungovat, takze kdyby se ti zacli v nasledujicich dnech dit podivne, velice brutalni nehody nebo si znenadani onemocnel, alespon vis, ze si za to muzes vpodstate sam ...
Hotovej McGiver!
True McGiver!
Sorry, I mean MacGyver... ;)
we have also completed very similar bookcase (or whatever those boxes on boxes are). if you did that with manual tools only, you got my respect. we were two guys with an electric screwdriver and nevertheless ended quite frustrated indeed...
Two guys with electric screwdriver are always doomed to end up 'quite frustrated indeed'
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