Monday, July 09, 2007

Visiting Satan With Mark Twain

Another great WTF cartoon you should show your kids...


Libor Tinka said...

I was wandering on YouTube after eatching the SuperJail to find sth similar and this was one of the so called "banned" videos. One can find interesting material (but not everything marked as "banned" really is/was).

Nothing disappointed me except the one special - very scary and freaky episode of Pingu (well known bedtime story or večerníček in czech) published on YouTube - many people on the discussion board admitted it caused nights full of nightmares in their childhood.

Damn TV.

Anonymous said...

jaxe ten díl jmenoval? já si ještě chci stihnout zkazit dětství!

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaargghhh!!! it scare a shit out of me!

Anonymous said...

In the name of H.R.Giger, what's that??

KubaU said...

Kids take things way too seriously sometimes... When I saw "Tajemny hrad v Karpatech" for the first time, I was scared like hell... Tóma Hluchoněmec was chasing me in my dreams, and Mr. Hrušínský was trying to stab me with his chello!

Anonymous said...

2kubau - lol!
I Personally always found the scene where Salsa crumbles into dust leaving that metal skeleton behind very disturbing.