Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yes, The Hell Exists

What do you get when you cross Monty Python with Nigerian scam? There are no words to describe this...

(Note that there is no point in watching this unless you are fairly familiar with both Monty Python and "Nigerian scams".)


  1. Wow, this is hillarious.... have you seen that wooden C-64, some scammer cutted out of wood, after first creating Wallece & Grommit ?

  2. Hi there,
    well, still no new pics of Magda...
    Hey, what about Jana Fuka paintings, proc nedas vic fotek z vernisaze? I would like to see her paintings.

  3. yeah, more magda, jana, dogs and naked men in the shower!

  4. Hey, I didn't say anything about the naked men in the shower!
