Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's a Good Day...

Apart from the fact that it's Valentine's Day today, it's also exactly 6 months since I started dating Jitushka - which is far longer than any of you "sensible people" ever thought, isn't it, suckers?

In other (maybe less important) news: The first teaser Trailer for the 4th Indiana Jones movie was released today. And, I admit, it moved me almost to tears. Which, of course, has nothing to do with how I'll like the finished movie. But it just looks like Indy. Older, more fragile, but the whip still works...

However, the most important question is: Should I insist on showing the original Indy trilogy to Jitushka?


  1. Yes. And if she doesn't like it, break up with her immediately! It just wouldn't work in the long run.

  2. Definitely! In the unlikely chance that she doesn't like it, blame the internet.

  3. Yes, show it for her!!
    (Jo a taky jí nastav na jejím novém blogu něco, aby jí mohli psát komentáře i neregistrovaní, jako to jde třeba zde.)

  4. Do not insist on anything. Indy is good but not essential.

  5. Not only insist... you haven't done so already?! After 6 months?! YOU?!
    Anyway, I hope that once the movie comes out here in the Czech Republic you will do the translation, right? BTW, I love the Indy stuff you did for Speccy; not only games, but the AY tune was just wonderful. Good luck.

  6. Když jsem viděl Indyho poprvé, vůbec jsem neměl ponětí jak šíleně populární film to ve skutečnosti je. (Stejně tak Hvězdný války- přibližně ve stejný době) Byly to pro mě prostě hodně dobrý filmy, u kterých jsem se bavil. Škoda že u toho nezůstalo...

  7. anonymous (1:50): Ty komentare uz by mely fungovat

  8. Definitely. With a whip..

  9. It isn't - more precisely, I couldn't care less. But then I am no sensible, nor do I claim to be :)

    Yes, you should. Does she resist? If yes, why?

  10. P.S. 2 years ;) Doh, I might actually care a bit, afterall :P

  11. 5 red cars in a row made it a Super Good Day

  12. You could insist if you can handle questions like: Is this movie for kids or is it something like a real movie? Seriously? Are you sure?
