Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Template, New Feed, New Bookmarks...

Today I updated this blog's template. You shouldn't notice any drastic visible differences but there could be some hiccups with this blog's RSS/Atom feed (I hope the URL stayed the same).

Also today, Google announced their Google Shared Stuff social bookmarking system. The "My shared items from Google Reader" feed I used before is now supplanted by Google Shared Stuff. In other words, if you want to see/read my daily Internet discoveries, you should now use this link to either view them in your browser or add them to your RSS reader.

P.S: I discovered that I am unable to "share" the certainly-NSFW website, (URL not clickable for very good reason). There is no error message or anything similar but the "sharing" window appears completely empty and I cannot click on anything to actually share the site. Is this intentional censorship??