Saturday, June 30, 2007

Home Alone

Today, my dogs went to to the country for two weeks (with Karolina's sister and her dogs). That means I will be home completely alone for the first time since god know when. It already feels a little weird.

And I certainly hope the boys will come back OK and that strange slogan at the bottom is just a coincidence...

Going on vacation


  1. I always was wondering where the tech guy like you got this idea of taking care of the two silly dogs.

  2. hey fuxoft! i think it's time for you
    to have children. you're old enough and
    it's more fun with babies than with dogs
    although dogs are good too.
    go on and make your own ofspring.

  3. Jenže kdyby František tahal děti venku na vodítku, jako to dělá se svými pejsky, byly by děti brzy odřené!

  4. Krom toho k dětem se zatím nefasujou ty cool hi-tech čipy.
