Thursday, April 26, 2007

Two Drunk Robots In 96KB (!) Hungarian PC Game

The world needs much more games like Sumotori Dreams...

P.S: To access the "hidden mode", at the start menu, try throwing the cube between two rightmost pillars to destroy one of the specific "walls" in the right corner of the ring.


  1. I didn't laugh that much in several months. Great find ! Great game, great everything !
    I'd suggest this to depressive people.

  2. It took me about 15 minutes to realise that a) I'm controlling the blue robot and b) that it's not done with WASD but rather with arrow keys. From there on it was fun :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. something different but still somehow similar - massive "Amiga feeling" demo - fr-041: debris by farbrausch - under 200 kB:

  5. Skvělé .. tak dobře jsem se nezasmál .. autor výborně využil určité problémy při řešení soustav inverzní kinematiky a fyzikálního modelu (z čehož asi vyšla ta opilost).

    Mimochodem, v PUNISH módu není problém dostat kámoše robota na kraj Zeměplochy .. následky jsou vám jasné .. :-)
