This is obviously based on this famous (mass-produced) T-shirt. Note the (almost succesful) attempt to get my dogs' likenesses right!
And while we are on the subject of T-shirts: On May 28, there is a big "Computer celebration day" event at Alza shop in Holesovice. As a part of this event, 8-bit Sinclair museum will get its grand opening and there will be some 8-bit T-shirts available, "designed" by me. One example:

As for the price / means of availability of these, I have no info yet.
UPDATE: You can buy them here!
V Mozzile se mi nespouští video, mám nejnovější Flash i wmv hd, co je potřeba k přehrání?
To bude asi tim, ze ten primy prenos uz skoncil a oni tam nechali viset to okno, ve kterem bezel... Za par dni tam bude sestrih.
ah.. to mě mohlo napadnout. Díky.
Jet Pac, Pssst, Sabre Wulf. Chce se mi brečet, jak mám daleko od dětství a nevinnosti. :)
Pavel: Tak v sobotu dopoledne v Alze :)
Tricko je bomba, doufam ze jsi z toho dostal aspon 5 korun.
geekovska tricka inspirovana filmy:
Sabreman was the God, Sinclair was the Architect ...
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